Thursday 17 July 2014

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Symbol Meaning SI unit of measure
A area meter squared (m2)
magnetic vector potential
a acceleration meter per second squared (m/s2) or (m s−2)
\mathbf{B} magnetic flux intensity
also called the magnetic field density or magnetic induction
tesla (T), or equivalently,
  weber per square meter (Wb/m2)
C capacitance farad (F)
heat capacity joule per kelvin (J K−1), or equivalently, joule per degree Celsius (J °C−1)
constant of integration varied depending on context
c speed of light (in vacuum) 299,792,458 meter per second (m/s)
speed of sound 340.29 meter per second (m/s)
specific heat capacity joule per kilogram per kelvin (J kg−1 K−1), or equivalently, joule per kilogram per degree Celsius (J kg−1 °C−1)
viscous damping coefficient kilogram per second (kg/s)
\mathbf{D} electric displacement field
also called the electric flux density
coulomb per square meter (C/m2)
d distance meter (m)
impact parameter meter (m)
diameter meter (m)
differential (e.g. dx)
d\mathbf{A} differential vector element of surface area A, with infinitesimally
small magnitude and direction normal to surface S
square meter (m2)
dV differential element of volume V enclosed by surface S cubic meter (m3)
\mathbf{E} electric field newton per coulomb (N C−1), or equivalently, volt per meter (V m−1)
E energy joule (J)
e eccentricity unitless
2.71828... (base of the natural logarithm), electron, elementary charge
\mathbf{F} force newton (N)
f frequency hertz (Hz)
friction newton (N)
G the gravitational constant newton meter squared per kilogram squared (N m2/kg2)
g acceleration due to gravity meter per second squared (m/s2)
\mathbf{H} magnetic field strength
also called just magnetic field
ampere per meter (A/m)
H Hamiltonian joule (J)
h height meter (m)
Planck's constant joule second (J s)
\hbar reduced Planck's constant \textstyle \left ( {\frac h {2\pi}}\right) joule second (J s)
I action joule second (J s)
intensity watt per square meter (W/m2)
sound intensity watt per square meter (W/m2)
electric current ampere (A)
moment of inertia kilogram meter squared (kg m2)
i intensity watt per square meter (W/m2)
imaginary unit
\mathbf{\hat{i}} Cartesian x-axis basis unit vector unitless
\mathbf{J} free current density,
not including polarization or magnetization currents bound in a material
ampere per square meter (A/m2)
impulse kilogram meter per second (kg m/s)
\mathbf{\hat{j}} Cartesian y-axis basis unit vector unitless
K kinetic energy joule (J)
k Boltzmann constant joule per kelvin (J/K)
wave number radians per meter (m−1)
\mathbf{\hat{k}} Cartesian z-axis basis unit vector unitless
L inductance henry (H)
luminosity watt (W)
angular momentum newton meter second (N m s or kg m2 s−1)
l length meter (m)
M magnetization ampere per meter (A/m)
moment of force
often simply called moment or torque
newton meter (N m)
m mass kilogram (kg)
N normal vector unit varies depending on context
atomic number unitless
n refractive index unitless
principal quantum number unitless
P power watt (W)
\mathbf{p} momentum kilogram meter per second (kg m/s)
pressure pascal (Pa)
Q electric charge coulomb (C)
Heat joule (J)
q electric charge coulomb (C)
R electrical resistance ohm (Ω)
Ricci tensor unitless
\mathbf{r} radius vector (position) meter (m)
r radius of rotation or distance between two things such as the masses in Newton's law of universal gravitation meter (m)
S surface area m2
entropy joule per kelvin (J/K)
s arc length meter (m)
T period second (s)
thermodynamic temperature
also called absolute temperature
kelvin (K)
t time second (s)
\mathbf{U} four-velocity meter per second (m/s)
U potential energy joule (J)
internal energy joule (J)
u relativistic mass kilogram (kg)
energy density joule per cubic meter (J/m3) or joule per kilogram (J/kg) depending on the context
V voltage
also called electric potential difference
volt (V)
volume cubic meter (m3)
shear force
\mathbf{v} velocity meter per second (m/s)
W mechanical work joule (J)
w width meter (m)
x a generic unknown varied depending on context
displacement meter (m)
Z electrical impedance ohm (Ω)

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